Among the many features that are being incorporated into industrial RF connectors, one of them is that they resist humidity. This is because, on many occasions, adverse situations can occur in which the presence of the latter may occur.

It is not that we are going to plunge the cabling and the devices and other elements into the water, but it is, of course, a very valuable characteristic, especially in some environments. Let’s look at the water-resistant RF industrial connectors.

Pisces, the RF connectors that connect the water

Intelliconnect, a company specialized in assemblies and connectors as Alfa’r, is the company that has announced new waterproof RF industrial connectors, a new generation of the previous models called, very conveniently, Pisces.

Metal alloy

The key point of these connectors is the alloy they are made of. This is given in aluminium, nickel and bronze. Thus, RF becomes suitable for demanding wet environments such as marine, oil, chemical or gaseous environments.

Conventional RF connectors are made of brass and have a finish that is usually either nickel or passivated stainless steel.

Well, the Intelliconect finish allows infinitely slower degradation in the demanding environments we’ve mentioned and where water-resistant RF industrial connectors become a necessity.

This ensures that optimum performance is maintained for a much longer period of time, thereby extending the service life of the connector and saving considerably compared to other inexpensive (not all, of course) non-Waterproof RF connectors.

The alloy itself is resistant to corrosion caused by water, so that it does not need plating to protect the environment.

The combination of nickel, bronze and aluminium results in a non-reflective surface of extremely long duration, whose level of corrosion resistance is inherently resistant to the very erosion of desert environments and components and which is also highly resistant to dust and sand as there is no silvery surface that can wear out.

In the same way, indicate that Pisces are also resistant to saline environments, even in the most extreme cases.

Where or when to use this type of connectors?

As if an RF connector were involved, we can use Pisces or other waterproof passive electronic components in systems:

  • Of communications
  • Nuclear Power Plants
  • Industrial SCADA control
  • Chemicals
  • Of military radars
  • Maritime and naval
  • From video
  • Others Other

They will be used in control tasks as well as in monitoring in any extreme industrial and marine environment where it is essential that maintenance of these is not costly or difficult.

Our industrial RF connectors

Finally, we didn’t want to finish without mentioning our industrial RF connectors, which offer a wide range of features that make them more than attractive.

You have them from 50 omhios up to 24 Ghz, depending on the versions, with press tow, crimping systems and “quick”, in a very wide catalogue where quality is imposed above all else.