Although the connectors were a real revolution when they were put on the market, allowing us to offer services that had been impossible until now, the fact is that the types of connection tools also deserve attention.

What are connecting tools?

Connecting tools, as we can deduce by name, are all those tools that are used to enable the connection of parts such as connectors, hoses, different types of cable or adapters, or those used to improve the result of a basic connection.

From among a large group, we differentiate, mainly, three types: stripping, crimping and assembly of connectors.

Stripping tools for connection

This type of useful what it does is, by means of the accomplishment of an initial notch, to peel easily a cable, discarding its cover (the plastic) and allowing us to accede to the real elements of connection.

There are models for large cable and others more conventional and versatile, such as pliers or parrot beak pliers, which peel small diameter cable and wire and that, generally, are what people usually have at home. There are manual and automatic. It is necessary that the model acquired allows us to work with both flexible cable as rigid and semi.

On the other hand, the foam-dielectric emptyers are used, as indicated, to empty the dielectric. They can also cut the screen and even, depending on the model, the cover.

Finally, in this section we would also find both fixed and variable blades. These would also serve to strip cable as well as to cut this and other elements.

Crimping tools for connection

Crimping tools are a kind of key that may or may not include matrices. The essential thing is that we make versatile pieces, that is, that they have clamps that can be interchanged, so that we can use the same one for different types of cable as well as to use them also in external conductors and with pins.

Here we leave you a small demonstration on how to use crimping tools.

The tools for mounting connectors for connection

These are more general, being familiar to many people. The difference is that, in these cases, their designs are designed specifically for the connection.

In general, they are subdivided, by function, into those for compressing, those for extracting and, of course, all kinds of special wrenches for carrying out all kinds of actions impossible to obtain with the rest of the tools for the connection such as the fixed wrench, the male F fastening wrench, for nuts, for mounting SMA fittings, for insertion…

Are the connecting tools necessary?

Indeed, although placing connectors is not a difficult job when we find the right one, the truth is that using the right tools is necessary not only to achieve better results but also to maintain safety conditions, avoiding injuries, electrocutions, etc..

However, it is as important as using tools to choose the ones related to each activity. Therefore, keep this post in your favorites so you can consult it often. If you still need professional advice you can contact us.