Alfa’r can be an ally in achieving 0 road fatalities. The DGT is creating a digital tool to share information on road incidents, thus improving road safety.  DGT Platform 3.0 2025 This tool consists of a mobile APP; this application, called Connected Vehicle Platform 3.0, aims to connect vehicles to a central database via 5G technology, allowing users to share information in real time.
Cranes, emergency vehicles, traffic information, vehicle location, service stations, low emission paradise, alternative proposals, etc… all connected. The aim is to reduce the number of accidents on public roads, enhancing safety by sharing information on the situation and state of the road, e.g., location of an accident or broken-down car, detection of vulnerable road users and objects on the road… All of this is connected to the cloud and transmitted at high speed only with 5G technology, paving the way for the autonomous car.

Alfa’r’s R&D department has worked hard over the last few years to improve the connectors so that they can solve all electrical and mechanical problems on 5G platforms that need fast and, above all, secure connections.

They are suitable for outdoor use, in vehicles, in areas of high pollution and noise, such as big cities. Meeting high quality standards allows them to withstand intensive use and to be immune to aggressive environmental and industrial agents such as: extreme temperatures and sudden changes in temperature, humidity, vibrations, shocks, etc.

On public roads they will have to coexist with signals of a different nature, but Alfa’r’s 5G connectors are capable of transmitting a good connection without interference or signal loss and, in addition, at a high speed, managing to send and receive information about the state of the road in real time.

The ultimate goal of this DGT project is to achieve zero traffic fatalities by 2050, according to the Traffic Roadmap. Alfa’r’s 5G connectors can be a great ally in achieving this long-awaited figure.

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